Install Fake Text Message Application For Free

Fake text message app is an application for doing prank on your friends, as we all knows not all applications are free to use in iPhone, But the fake text message can get free install in iPhone and let you enjoy its feature and do prank on your friends. You can easily create fake message on your phone with set date time and persons name and send it at yourself as and send text to prank on your friends with the name of any person, celebs or anyone’s name you want to create. It is an app available on the app store to download a free.

Details of the application fake text message

There are some basic details about the app go through before downloading or get to know about the app with these some general details given below:

  • It is an app developed with the size of 61.6 Mb
  • works on the apple iPhone, iPad, or IOS versions only,
  • the language it contains is English,
  • Owner of the app is James Green.

How to find that the app is good to use or not

How to find that the app is good to use or not

Finding any app that it’s good to use or not is kind a tough there are some general ways to find out the app like going the reviews option of the application where you can find out that the app has good feature on it or not, doesn’t it hang on phone or not, or how does it work, is it easy to prank with this app or not, etc. Number of applications are their in-app store where it is quite tough to go through all the apps reviews but in apple store all apps are not free most of their apps are paid and then finding unpaid and free install is bit easier.

Hence, this application is easy to use and provide easy way to prank on your friends by its free installation feature and enjoying it all long it has rating of approx 4 to 4.5 on the app store which also make it safe and secure app to download.